Ranking the Best NFL Helmets of All-Time
For those of you who are fans of the National Football League (NFL), you've probably argued at some point in your lives over which NFL franchises have the best looking helmets. The teams themselves must think about that question also, else why would so many of them have made changes to their helmets over the years?
We're no different than you are in that regard, so we decided to put together a complete ranking of the NFL's helmets. By complete, though, we don't mean just the helmets currently being worn by the 32 NFL teams. We decided to go back to the early 1960's and look at all the major helmet variations used since that time. We chose to start at that point because the old American Football League (precursor to today's AFC Conference) had just come into existence and all but one team in the combined leagues had, by then, added a logo to at least one side of their helmet.
Consequently, we ended up rating 55 different helmets, which we broke into five groupings of (appropriately) eleven helmets each. Those 55 include pretty much all of the major variations (color changes to the shell, different logos, etc.) that have been worn for at least one season over those 50+ years. Hence, we haven't included the pre-1960's throwbacks that get trotted out every so often on special occasions. For the most part, we've also tried to avoid the minor tweaks that teams occasionally have made, which didn't significantly alter the look of the helmet.
With 55 helmets to consider, there are sure to be some rankings, either in absolute or relative terms, that you agree with and some that you don't. One thing we hope you all do like is that the entire list is on one page; you don't have to click 55 times to get through to the end. In addition, we're starting with the best and working our way to the least appealing, so you won't even have to scroll to the bottom of the article to see who's on top. Enjoy:
The All-Pros
     #1 - Rams (either yellow or white horns), #2 - Steelers (black shell), #3 - Vikings, #4 - Bengals (stripes), #5 - Patriots (soldier)
     #6 - Eagles (original green) .. #7 - Redskins (spear/arrow) .. #8 - Raiders ........ #9 - Chiefs ........ #10 - Lions (either leaping lion).. #11 - Packers
#1 - Rams (Yellow or White Horns): Back in the late 1940's, the Rams were the first franchise to put a logo on their helmet and, for us, no one has beaten that original ram's horn design, whether the horns are in yellow (our preference) or white. Besides, CTE aside, if you're butting heads for three hours, who wouldn't want to be using a pair of rams' horns? But only as long as the horns aren't in gold - you'll see our discussion of their gold-horned option further down the list.
#2 - Steelers (Black Shell): Easily the best of the dark helmets, the modified US Steel logo not only looks good, but is perfect for the city of Pittsburgh. And having it displayed on just one side of the helmet makes it even cooler.
#3 - Vikings: Growing up, what action-loving American boy didn't like reading about the medieval Vikings of Scandinavia? As with their Norse counterparts, the Minnesota Vikings' horns are super cool and, though some may disagree, the color combination works too.
#4 - Bengals (Tiger Stripes): Some of us are old enough to remember when the Bengals unveiled this new helmet design in the 1980's and the change was amazing. Going from arguably the worst helmet in the league to something totally unique, clever, and visually appealing put them near the top of the class.
#5 - Patriots (Continental Soldier): It may not be sleek looking, but having a center hiking the ball dressed as a Revolutionary soldier is one cool logo.
#6 - Eagles (Original Green & Original Wings): The brighter green from years past was an appealing shade and the more straightforward wings used on that shell are a sharp look which provides a nice contrast with the shell.
#7 - Redskins (Spear/Arrow): Although only used for a short period of time in 1960's, this helmet design is one of the best. The burgundy shell is appealing, in part because it is unique among NFL teams. The spear/arrow is a classic weapon with a sharp (no pun intended) design, that shows off the burgundy.
#8 - Raiders: As with their long-time rivals in Kansas City, the Raiders' helmet hasn't needed a revision in over 50 years and never should. The silver and black colors work together well and the logo is timeless.
#9 - Chiefs: This simple but strong logo on a solid red helmet hasn't required a change since the AFL's old Dallas Texans moved to Kansas City in the early 1960's and became the Chiefs.
#10 - Lions: Whether it's the original leaping lion or the slight variation introduced in 2009, the Lions' logo may be the best of any pro or college team that sports a big cat nickname. Just continue keeping Matt Millen's black accent off the helmet, please.
#11 - Packers: The only remaining yellow helmet in the league since the Redskins ill-fated early 70's helmet, the logo and colors are a classic that still works.
Honorable Mention
     #12 - Oilers, #13 - Broncos (light blue), #14 - Redskins (profile), #15 - Jets (white shell), #16 - Saints, #17 - Cowboys
    #18 - Falcons (red shell), #19 - Chargers (white, no number), #20 - 49ers, #21 - Bills (original white), #22 - Rams (gold horns)
#12 - Oilers: A simple, but engaging logo, even if you aren't a fan of fossil fuels. We like it a little better on the white shell, but the silver is good too. Don't know why the league doesn't force the Titans to give back their rights to the Oilers name, helmets, and uniforms so the new Houston team can use them.
#13 - Broncos (Light Blue Shell): The lighter blue shell is unique and attractive, certainly more appealing than the team's current darker blue shell. The logo is a classic that blows away the current helmet's bronco.
#14 - Redskins (Native American Profile): The Redskins easily have the best pair of helmets that reflect two distinct designs. As with their "Spear/Arrow" helmet from the 1960's, the current shell is an appealing burgundy and features a stoic, unyielding Native American visage. The yellow/gold accents work perfectly with the burgundy.
#15 - Jets (White Shell): We're fans of NFL history, so maybe because of its association with a young, cool Joe Namath, the original Jets helmet always has been a favorite of ours. Even with the football-shaped logo having become more oval in its most recent reincarnation, the Jet's white shell version is still near the top of the pack.
#16 - Saints: A classic look that works from a color perspective and whose straight-forward logo well-represents the heritage of New Orleans and Louisiana.
#17 - Cowboys: Another classic that is clean and sharp. As with the Steelers, though, is it the team's winning history that gives their helmet more appeal?
#18 - Falcons (Red Shell): The red and black are a great color combination and the logo, although considered somewhat trendy at the time, still works.
#19 - Chargers (White Shell, No Number): The classic lightning bolts are back where they belong, on a white shell and without the uniform number that the team originally used in the 1960's.
#20 - 49ers: Another great color combination and the historical significance of the nickname doesn't require anything more than a gold shell, accompanied by the interlocking SF for a logo. (How many of you knew this, though: the helmet shell was silver until the early 1960's.)
#21 - Bills (White Shell, Standing Buffalo): The original standing buffalo was a classic look, but many found it a bit boring, hence the change to today's charging, somewhat cartoonish rendering.
#22 - Rams (Gold Horns): Following their 1999 Super Bowl win, the Rams converted the yellow colors on their uniforms and on their helmets to gold. Although we love the horns, the gold on blue doesn't work for us as a color combination. We were pleased when it was retired after the team moved from St. Louis back to Los Angeles.
Middle of the Pack
     (#23 - Cardinals, #24 - Giants (ny), #25 - Dolphins (standing dolphin), #26 - Bills (current white), #27 - Falcons (black shell), #28 - Colts
    #29 - Chargers (number), #30 - Redskins (yellow shell), #31 - Chargers (blue shell), #32 - Eagles (current), #33 - Giants (GIANTS)
#23 - Cardinals: Of the original NFL teams, only the Cardinals and the Colts had a white shell and, without a center stripe, the Cardinals' helmets really show off the white. Add on the bright red cardinal head and you get a classic look that continues through today.
#24 - Giants ("ny"): On the simple side, but the attractive blue, white and red color scheme helps make it work.
#25 - Dolphins (Standing Dolphin): We prefer the team's original standing dolphin that's wearing a helmet, as opposed to the updated version the Dolphins currently wear. We hope the team returns to the original at some point in the future.
#26 - Bills (White Shell, Charging Buffalo): Initially on a red shell, the charging buffalo now is back on the team's original white background. While we prefer the classic standing buffalo, we do like either buffalo on the white shell.
#27 - Falcons (Black Shell): When Jerry Glanville became the Falcons' coach in the early 1990's, he decided to change the teams' primary colors from red to black. That included the helmet shell, but he kept the black Falcon logo. Generally speaking, we don't think a dark logo on a dark shell works, but in this case it does, as long as the red accents that were added for a time don't return.
#28 - Colts: Before college and high school teams began using paw prints as a substitute for an animal head or animal body logo, the Colts horseshoe was a unique way to depict their animal nickname. Another classic NFL helmet that hasn't changed in, what, 60 years?
#29 - Chargers (Number) - The classic lightning bolt logo on white shell, which also included the player's number, was the original look sported by the Chargers in the early 1960's. That design lasted until the 1970's, although the lightning bolt alternated between yellow and blue during the team's early years.
#30 - Redskins (Yellow Shell): Although not up to the standard set by the two previously discussed Redskins helmets, we aren't as down on the yellow shell as many other fans apparently were at the time. The yellow contrasted nicely with the team's burgundy jerseys and, along with the Packers, were unique in the league. (Was this color change by the team a deliberate copying of Green Bay after Vince Lombardi took over as coach of the Redskins?) While the encircled "R" is simple, it worked adequately.
#31 - Chargers (Blue Shell): The Chargers flipped from a white to a dark blue shell in the 1970's and, while we prefer the classic white, the yellow accented lightning bolts on dark blue works better than most of the other helmets that sport darker shells.
#32 - Eagles (Current): When the team went to a darker green shell and modified the eagle wing design, the whole look of the helmet lost something. The appealing concept of the wings, though, keeps it from falling further down the list.
#33 - Giants ("GIANTS"): Another helmet that is a little too plain for our taste, but at least the font is more professional looking that the original Bengals' helmets.
Still Acceptable
    #34 - Bears, #35 - Jets (green shell), #36 - Browns (no logo), #37 - Eagles (white shell), #38 - Patriots (silver shell)
     (#39 - Buccaneers (original),#40 - Steelers (yellow shell), #41 - Bills (red shell), #42 & #43 - Seahawks (silver & blue shells), #44 - Panthers
#34 - Bears: The simple "C" and no striping may not wow anyone, but they have stood the test of time.
#35 - Jets (Green Shell): Although changing from a white to a solid green shell provided the Jets with a contrast to the other white helmets in their division, the lettering and lack of striping resulted in a rather lackluster look.
#36 - Browns (No Logo): While too plain for many, Browns fans love this look and, with no other team sporting a logo-less helmet, there is an appeal due to its uniqueness.
#38 - Patriots (Current): The opposite of the Bengals, who went from poor to excellent, the Patriots went from excellent to on the poor side when changing their helmet. For a team named after our Revolutionary heroes, how do you go from a red, white and blue color scheme to silver and blue? The stylized logo leaves something to be desired also.
#39 - Buccaneers (Original): The colors definitely are Floridian, we'll give it that. And while the Pirate logo might be seen as more of a swash-buckling Robin Hood-type character or a forerunner of Jack Sparrow, rather than a terror of the bounding main, football fans tend to like fiercer looking logos. Hence the complete re-design in 1997.
#40 - Steelers (Yellow Shell): Until putting together this article, we didn't realize that the yellow shell still was in use well into the 1960's. While the coloring provides an interesting look, it isn't as appealing (or as intimidating) as the black that the Steelers have sported since 1967.
#41 - Bills (Red Shell): Along with most of the AFC East, the Bills also moved off their traditional white helmet in the 1980's. In addition to changing the shell color to red, the buffalo was given an updated, sleeker look. Unfortunately the blue on red didn't work well together, which led to a return to the white shell in recent years.
#42 & #43 - Seahawks (Silver and Dark Blue Shells): We appreciate the logo having patterned itself after Native American designs of the Pacific Northwest, but the helmet overall lacks something, whether it's displayed on the original silver shell or current dark blue shell.
#44 - Panthers: A panther isn't a bad nickname for a football team and the logo itself isn't that bad, but for some reason that large, dark logo combined with the silver shell just doesn't work well together. Or maybe we just can't separate it from the jerseys that never have appealed to us.
Room for Improvement
Four of our bottom eleven already have been retired and we wouldn't be upset if the others follow suit.
     #45 - Dolphins (current), #46 - Buccaneers (flag), #47 - Titans (white shell), #48 & #49 - Jaguars (dark & two-toned shells)
     (#50 - Texans, #51 - Broncos (current), #52 - Ravens (original), #53 - Ravens (current), #54 - Titans (dark shell), #55 - Bengals (original)
#45 - Dolphins (Current): Changing the positioning of the dolphin and dropping its helmet diminished its appeal in our minds. We prefer the original in any of its slight variations.
#46 - Buccaneers (Pirate Flag): A helmet with a pirate flag and crossed sabers should work, but somehow this one misses the mark. Maybe it's the color of the shell.
#47 - Titans (White Shell): As with the Patriots, the Titans are another case of going from excellent (their old Houston Oilers helmets) to poor. It's hard to find anything positive to say about the logo, other than it looks better on the older white shell than it does on the current dark blue.
#48 - Jaguars (Dark Shell): The color scheme is too dark for us, without enough contrast. The logo is too similar to the Panthers, both of which are fine on their own, but don't work well on either teams' helmets.
#49 - Jaguars (Two-tone Shell): Although we give the team credit for trying, the two-tone shell doesn't work either; the rear color blends in with the logo, making it difficult to see in its entirety.
#50 - Texans - Another dark on dark helmet that provides little contrast between the shell and a logo that, while clever, could use some improvement.
#51 - Broncos (Dark Blue Shell) - We think it was a mistake for the team to move away from their unique light blue shell. The new logo doesn't do much for us, either, particularly on the dark shell.
#52 - Ravens (Original): The logo provides better contrast with the shell than the current Ravens logo does, but it's still rather uninspiring.
#53 - Ravens (Current): The color scheme is too dark and doesn't provide enough contrast for our taste. We're not a fan of the cartoonish raven either.
#54 - Titans (Blue Shell): See our discussion of the Titans' white shell above, #47.
#55 - Bengals (Letters): Where did the font for that lettering come from? If this isn't the poorest attempt at a helmet design at just about any level of football, there can't be too many that are worse. But, boy, did the Bengals make up for it when they moved to the tiger stripes in the early 1980's.
There you have it - our take on the history of NFL helmets since the 1960's. Let us know what you think, too. A good argument might cause us to make some adjustments, particularly for a helmet that is "on the bubble". Either way, we're always glad to hear from you.
Photo Credits
Most helmet photos were attributed to eBay, with the following exceptions:
Bills white shells, Browns, Colts, Giants "GIANTS", Jaguars two-tone shell, Jets green shell, Rams yellow horns, Steelers, Titans blue shell: Riddell Sports
Chargers white shell with no number: LA Chargers
Chiefs: KC Chiefs