"…where we support ALL the Amendments"

Concerns About Trump 2.0 and Some Time Off

Trump Continues to Disparage Our Veterans & Military Heroes

For Political Reasons, Trump Bullies GOP into Opposing Bipartisan Border Solution - updated

GOP Now Refuses to Support Your Right to Use Birth Control

Unlike Trump, Biden Delivers on Infrastructure Promise - updated

Trump Continues to Lose Support from His White House Team, Including Mike Pence

Sorry, Trump Repeatedly Showed No Respect for Our Veterans - updated

Job Growth Under Biden Continues to Out-Perform Expectations - updated

GOP-Leaning States Have Highest Gun Violence - Some More Than Chicago

2023 Vote: Dems, Choice, & Democracy Continue to Do Well

EV Battery Life Longer than Thought

Construction of U.S. Factories is Booming Under Biden

Did Trump Even Steal His MAGA Slogan? From Bill Clinton?

Democrats Are Delivering for Michigan...So GOP Tries Recall

Expanding Medicaid Helps Rural America -- N.C. Signs Up, But When Will Mississippi?

Boebert Embarasses Herself Again - This Time On Public Urination

Alex Jones Found Guilty of Sandy Hook Lies - Owes Plaintiffs $980m

2022: What Red Wave? GOP Barely Wins House, Dems/Freedom/Democracy Prevail Elsewhere

Trump Takes the Fifth in Criminal Investigation

America Approves of Schumer-Manchin Bill, But GOP Still Votes No

CIA Kills Zawahiri, 9/11 Mastermind

Did Gorsuch & Kavanaugh Lie to Congress about Roe vs. Wade?

Oil Execs Blame Wall Street for High Gas Prices, They Don't Blame Biden

Biden Isn't Messing Around on Cybersecurity - updated

Biden/Blinken Rally NATO to Support Ukraine; Entire World Condemns Putin...Except Trump & Fox - updated

Study: Trump's Trade War a Failure

Best Stock Market Results One Year After Election Belongs to...Joe Biden

Fox News Covid Policy for Employees: Get Vaccinated or Get Tested Daily

FDA Fully Approves Covid Vaccine - No More Excuses?

Former CPAC Head Says GOP Now a Cult: They Wouldn't Even Elect Reagan

Dems Pass Biden's Covid Relief Bill; GOP Votes No

Trump Encourages Seditious Mob, Won't Stop Violence, Gets Impeached

Biden Wins Presidency; Trump Pouts, Promotes Baseless Fraud Conspiracies

FBI Director Says White Supremacists are Biggest US Terror Threat, Russia is Helping Trump, No Signs of Voter Fraud

Sorry, Trump Dislikes Our Veterans

Biden Won't Defund the Police, but Trump's Budget Does

Biden Helped Save the U.S. Auto Industry, but Pence Voted No

Will GOP Ever Fix Our Infrastructure?

Even Trump's Sister Disses Him

Lincoln Project's Ads Skewer Trump

GOP's Perdue Was Proud to Send American Jobs to China

Eric Cantor Calls Joe Biden 'Awesome'

Powerful Long-Time Lindsey Graham Supporter Says "Not This Year"

Trump Culture of Hate Trickles Down in GOP: AOC Accosted on Capitol Steps

Was Breaking Up a Peaceful Protest to Stage a Photo Op the Last Straw?

Bush Calls for Unity During Pandemic, but Trump Tries to Pick a Fight

Clint Eastwood Endorses Bloomberg

Mayor Pete's Health Plan Saves $'s

GOP, Conservatives, Evangelicals Who Support Trump Impeachment

Trump Foundation Shut Down by NY Atty Genl for Illegal Actions - updated

2019 Elections: Dems Take Virginia Assembly, KY & Louisiana Guv Races

What? Fox's Tucker Carlson Likes Elizabeth Warren's Economic Plan?

Is this why Jerry Falwell Jr. Endorsed Trump?

Beto Pays El Paso, Trump Doesn't

Kentucky GOP Chickens Out: Uninvites AOC to Coal Country

Reagan's Budget Chief Calls Trump "Unhinged Madman"

Trump Insults Allies, Cozies Up to Communist Dictator, and Gets Played...Again

Even Fox Calls Out Trump's Lies About the Mexican Border Wall

George H. W. Bush: A Retrospective

2018 Blue Wave: Dems, Min Wage, Healthcare, Democracy Win Big

Don't Look Now, But Trump Doesn't Like Southerners Either

Right-to-Work Defeated by Missouri Voters - Bigly!

Russian Hackers Penetrate U.S. Power Grid

Is "Medicare for All" Gaining Momentum? - updated

Anti-Immigrant Activists Should Check Their Own Family History First

Trump Tries Claiming He Can Pardon Himself - Why, Unless He's Guilty?

Tillerson's Concerns About Truth & Ethics Seen as Swipe at Trump

Uh-oh: Carter Draws Bigger Crowd than Trump at Liberty Commencement

Will Agriculture Pay the Price for Trump's Trade War?

Tillerson Fired Via Tweet - Weak!! (Was Russia the Tipping Point?)

Kochs Contribute $500k to Paul Ryan After Tax Bill Passes

Missouri Gov. Greitens Admits Affair - Will Evangelicals Still Support Him?

Gates, Buffett, & Now Bloomberg Have Doubts About Trump Tax Plan

"Deal Maker" Trump Botches Another Opportunity: This Time It's Jerusalem

Bannon Loves Roy Moore, But Why Does the Senate GOP?

2017 Election Results: Dems Win Big

Starting Day 1, Trump Already Hurting Many Who Voted For Him - updated

Arpaio Pardon Shows Trump's Contempt for Rule of Law

Even GOP Leaders Criticize Trump Comments on Va Violence

Fox Downplays Story of Iowa Cop Killer Who Backed Trump

ACA Helping to Reduce Bankruptcies

House GOP Rejects "Buy American" Provisions

McConnell Admits (Sort of) that Coal Jobs Aren't Coming Back - Now What?

ARCHIVE - News Briefs

Lyin' Donald Trump?

Right Wing Myth-Busting

Gates, Buffett, & Now Bloomberg Have Doubts About Trump Tax Plan

GOP Elders Propose Carbon Tax to Fight Climate Change

Overtime Change Will Boost Middle Class Wages

Buffett's Anti-Poverty Program (Reagan Supported It Too)

The Federal Deficit Was Shrinking

Study Shows Auto Bailout a Success

The Conservative Case FOR a Higher Minimum Wage

How Bush Sr. Solved Acid Rain Using Basic Economics

The National Debt and Federal Fiscal Policy

Thoughts on the Wall Street Bailout

ARCHIVE - Economics

Political Cartoons & Memes

2019 Elections: Dems Take Virginia Assembly, KY & Louisiana Guv Races

Eric Cantor Calls Joe Biden 'Awesome'

What? Fox's Tucker Carlson Likes Elizabeth Warren's Economic Plan?

Is this why Jerry Falwell Jr. Endorsed Trump?

Kentucky GOP Chickens Out: Uninvites AOC to Coal Country

Reagan's Budget Chief Calls Trump "Unhinged Madman"

George H. W. Bush: A Retrospective

2018 Blue Wave: Dems, Min Wage, Healthcare, Democracy Win Big

Tillerson Fired Via Tweet - Weak!! (Was Russia the Tipping Point?)

Kochs Contribute $500k to Paul Ryan After Tax Bill Passes

Bannon Loves Roy Moore, But Why Does the Senate GOP?

2017 Election Results: Dems Win Big

House GOP Rejects "Buy American" Provisions

NC GOP Continues Power Grab

KKK Victory Parade for Trump

Clinton Wins Popular Vote; Other 2016 Election Results

Benghazi Not Clinton's Fault Says Stevens Family

When Will Republicans Agree to Fix Our Nation's Infrastructure?

McConnell and GOP Block Student Loan Re-financing Bill

What Happened to the Ebola Crisis?

Another GOP Candidate who Made his Money Sending US Jobs Overseas

ARCHIVE - Politics

Upcoming Gun & Militaria Shows

O'Reilly & Trump Favor New Gun Control Legislation

The GOP & Guns

Our Favorite Pro-Gun Democrats

Snyder Vetoes Gun Rights in Michigan

Is Single-Payer Gaining Momentum?

ACA Helping to Reduce Bankruptcies

Unpaid Hospital Bills Fall as ACA Expands

Five Reasons We Like the ACA

Obamacare: The GOP Was For It, Before They Were Against It

Don't Believe These Lies About the Affordable Care Act

ARCHIVE - Healthcare

Arpaio Pardon Shows Trump's Contempt for Rule of Law

Minimum Wage Increases Upheld by Missouri, Arizona Supreme Courts

Can the President Appoint Garland if the Senate Won't Act?

Oklahoma, Nebraska Want to Disallow Part of Colorado's Marijuana Law

Has the Supreme Court Legalized Political Bribery?

Tillerson Fired Via Tweet - Weak!! (Was Russia the Tipping Point?)

"Deal Maker" Trump Botches Another Opportunity: This Time It's Jerusalem

How to Deal with Russia

Are Obama/Kerry Right About the Middle East?

House GOP Panel Admits Benghazi Rumors are Not True

Religion and Politics

Missouri Gov. Greitens Admits Affair - Will Evangelicals Still Support Him?

Christian Groups' Christian Response to Syrian Refugees

Can This Company Reverse Climate Change?

Update on Other Alternative Energies

Fracking Viable Thanks to...the Feds?

All-Time Best NFL Helmets: Rankings

Did Trump's Greed/Mismanagement Cause the USFL to Fold?

Bernie & the NFL: Two Peas in a Socialist Pod?

Big10 Football: Are "Experts" Changing their Tune?

Is Hardy Signing Another Reason for Fans to Dislike the Dallas Cowboys?

Gronk Handles a Trash-Talker

U.S. Factory Construction Booming Under Biden

As we'll explain in more detail, this favorable trend in private-sector construction can be directly attributed to three major economic bills proposed by President Biden and passed by the 2021-2022 Democratic Congress: the Semiconductor (CHIPS) bill, the Infrastructure bill, and the Inflation Reduction Act. These bills included some direct spending, but also contained tax breaks and other incentives for businesses as well as consumers.

The Gun Conversation America Needs

If U.S. Citizens can come to a consensus on two key questions regarding guns, the seemingly never ending argument over gun ownership may get resolved.

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Martin Luther's Advice on Pandemics

In 1527, Luther addressed how people should respond to the bubonic plague: If you promote your "independence" and won't use your God-given intelligence and medicines, God will not be pleased.

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Upcoming Gun & Militaria Shows

Looking for a gun show, military collectables, or political Americana show to attend? Here is a list of 2025 shows our readers recommend.

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Voters Should Choose Their Politicians, not Vice-Versa...Just Ask Lincoln

Politicians (especially the GOP) have been rigging the system to get their folks elected and people are finally saying enough is enough: no more gerrymandering.

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Pre-Virus, Trump's Economy Was Just A

Continuation of the Obama Recovery

(Jobs graph illustrates the Dems' successful recovery from the GOP Great Recession)

Three years into the Trump Presidency, momentum from the Democratic recovery continued driving job growth, while Donald's ham-handed trade war and tax cuts for the well-off didn't help at all... Here's some of the detail on why, when it comes to the economy, we'll stick with the Dems.

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Ranking the All-Time Best NFL Helmets

After a few sodas, this topic frequently comes up among NFL fans, so we decided to weigh in with our take on one of America's favorite NFL points of discussion.

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Social Security Is Not Going Broke...

...and, despite the rhetoric you may have heard from the right-wing media and many far right politicians, Social Security is not impacting the federal budget deficit either.

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Has the Supreme Court Legalized Political Bribery?

A lot of people are saying just that and it's difficult to make a convincing argument against it.

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Lyin' Donald Trump?

Throughout his few years as a politician, Donald Trump has made more unusual assertions than most politicians have in a lifetime. We'll evaluate just how accurate some of these are.

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For those of you who may have been misled into thinking that if you're pro-gun you have to vote Republican, even though we think it's pretty clear that doing so is not in the country's best interests, nor in your own.

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Koch Bros Fighting Against Solar Now

If you're thinking about going solar, better hurry before the Kochs come calling in your state.

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Political Cartoons & Memes

It's said that a picture is worth a thousand words; hence the popularity of political cartoons and memes. Here are some of our favorites.

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(Mostly) Clean Examples of Trump's Poor Behavior & Lack of Class - updated

Regardless of their politics, most Americans agree that Mr. Trump's personal behavior is not that of a role model. Here are some lesser known, but (mostly) clean examples to support that fact.

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Voter Fraud, Deep States, Death panels, Benghazi, etc. For too many on the far right, the truth is secondary to their politics. Unfortunately, a lot of Americans hear the right's claims and actually believe them. This column is dedicated to setting you straight on these right-wing myths and myth-makers.

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The GOP Was For It Before They Were Against It

The key provisions of the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) were developed by the GOP and supported by them for over 30 years - why are they so dead-set against it now?

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Is it Time to Start Buying American & Stop Supporting the Red Chinese?

With so many US jobs having gone abroad, particularly to Red China, is it time to make a concerted effort to buy American-made products?

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The right-wing ideologues are going to hope you don't read this... That's because this story is the exact opposite of what those folks like to tell us regarding government spending and government "interference" with the private sector.

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House GOP Panel Admits Benghazi Rumors Not True

Despite conservatives' ongoing attempts to smear Hillary Clinton on Benghazi, the comprehensive 2014 report from a House GOP panel disagrees.

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Fun Economic Statistics

Sometimes economic numbers actually can be fun to read. Like these, that show the economy does better when the Democrats are in charge.

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Conservative Case FOR a Higher Minumum Wage

Despite evidence that shows higher wages are good for the economy, most conservatives have opposed the idea of raising the minimum wage. Until now.

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